St. Ann’s English Medium School, Bhanjanagar is a Minority (Catholic) Educational Institution established by the Congregation of the Sisters St. Ann of Providence in the year 2006 to give an all-round education to children irrespective of religion, Caste or Creed. In carrying out its aims and objectives as a minority institution, it reserves for itself its inherent and constitutionally recognized rights of management and administration.

The school emblem depicts a lighted lamp with the motto “Love, Charity and Service. The Sighted lamp symbolizes Divine Wisdom, His Presence and Goodness. It is a symbol of self – sacrifice and optimism. It dispels darkness, guides one’s steps towards right action and enlightens the mind and heart. Along with the lighted lamp the words “Love, Charity and Service” call the student community to derive from the Almighty God, the enlightenment that they need for being His true instruments of love, charity and service to mankind. Thus, it is the aim of the school to form the students into responsible adults who, in their journey through life, nourished by the Light of God’s Presence within them, will work to build His Kingdom with the values of Love, Charity and Service.
The Patroness, of the School is St. Ann, who is a great saint and model for ad mothers and educators as her daughter Mary became the mother of Jesus Christ. St. Ann is also the chief patroness of the School Management i.e., the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann. Blessed Mother Enrichetta was the saintly Superior General of the Sisters of StAnn who lived in Italy from 1829-1894. It was she who took the courageous step of sending the first six Sisters from Italy to start St. Ann’s Educational Institutions as well as Social Welfare Centres throughout India. We owe our gratitude to her.